Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What life is all about?

Life is about a beginning, a beginning of one's life.
Life is about a quest, a quest that u will have to continue no matter what.
Life is about a puppet-show, a show which we play our characters.
Life is about a script, a script that we going to say.
Life is about a path, a path that you will follow.
Life is about a game, a game to continue to the next level in this game of life.
Life is about a dream, a dream that we will persue.
Life is about a knowledge, a knowledge that will put you in the highest level.
Life is about a respect, a respect towards other people.
Life is about a truth, a truth that man always seek.
Life is about a candle, a candle that will end your life as the candle runs out.
Life is about a death, a death that will come at the end of our life.

So to you, what life is all about?
What does it means to you?


  1. life is about faith.

    kiri jahat.kanan baek.

    pilihlah jalan yg benar.

    anda mampu mngubahnye.

    ingatlah org tersayang.

    (iklan berbayar ni)wakakaka

  2. wow, sedap ayat kau. haha.

    *pujian ikhlas* :D

  3. jnji bnde2 nie sume yg dlm blog ak nie bkn ciplak k.
    sume ori dr hati ak.
